Your customer pulls the new iPhone 6 out of their pocket, browses their Facebook newsfeed and walks towards your store. They’re looking for shoes, but the lure of finding a completely new outfit remains a temptation. Imagine you could engage each customer in the moment and use what you know about their preferences, spending habits and history, location and real-time behavior to make them an offer they can’t refuse. Now, imagine what it would be like if you could welcome the customer to your shop and recommend their next purchase with personalized mobile alerts or an in-store display message.
Sounds futuristic doesn’t it? Not any more.
The Internet of Everything is now here for marketers
SmartFocus is excited to announce two ‘Big Data’ acquisitions: the first is Beacon technology specialist, TagPoints and the second is social media analyzer, Content Savvy. As part of our strategy to give marketers a 360° view of each customer and become the UK’s first fully ‘context-aware’ digital and mobile marketing system, these acquisitions provide marketers with a truly omni-channel marketing solution. That means online and offline.
Why do these technologies matter?
At SmartFocus, we believe that personalization and contextualization are critical to successful marketing. However, in today’s connected world, many businesses struggle to digest and use the vast amounts of data they have access to. To create a relevant experience, it’s critical marketers have access to tools that help them to not only capture and analyse data and but also act on it instantly.
Tagpoints’ Beacon technology provides the best in mobile and location-based capability. Cutting through the noise caused by your competitors just got easier – and more targeted. You can unveil unrecognized patterns in customer behavior and alert them via personalized mobile messaging, at the right moment, towards the products and services they’re most interested in. That means more in-store traffic and sales for your business. This technology also makes it easy for you to reward loyal customers, encouraging and enabling them to become brand advocates – posting, pinning, tweeting, sharing and liking all you do.
Content Savvy follows and accurately interprets billions of data on media channels, including Facebook posts, trending social topics, blogs and video posts. For example, marketers can distinguish whether someone in an online conversation truly has the intent to buy and can subsequently export this information to CRM systems or customer databases.
Our CEO Rob Mullen provides more information on the importance of these capabilities for today’s marketer:
“In the age of ‘The Internet of Everything’, a key challenge for brands is the need to personalize and contextualize consumer behaviour. One aspect of this is location-based information – a problem that TagPoints solves – while Content Savvy offers the ability to accurately monitor, digest and analyze what’s being said away from the store. Bringing TagPoints and Content Savvy in-house gives us dynamic, on-open optimization capabilities. Marketers can analyze Big Data from all these sources to discover previously unrecognized patterns of behavior and more accurately predict future patterns based on a thorough analysis of the data. We’re now at the stage of being able to provide a truly omni-channel marketing solution.”
What's next?
As shopping and commerce evolves, so must we all. Find out about how, more than ever before, SmartFocus’ new technology is helping marketers to make smarter decisions that increase customer loyalty and grow revenue.
Check out our new video:
And watch this space for more exciting updates!